All dex locations on saints row gat out of hell
All dex locations on saints row gat out of hell

all dex locations on saints row gat out of hell

The combat is still a joy the satisfaction of laying waste to an army of hellspawn with a colossal stomp to the ground is immeasurable. These powers function very similarly to how they did in Saints Row IV, letting players use guns and powers in tandem. Super speed, blast attacks, stomps, all what you’d expect. Building off of the superpowers of its predecessor, Gat Out of Hell gives the players various powers to use in the Underworld. If you’ve played Saints Row IV specifically, you’ll probably be floored at how similar the two games are. Gat and Kinzie’s journey to Hell isn’t really anything new for Saints Row. Gat Out of Hell doesn’t really do much with its story, and while that might not be a deal breaker, it’s a mismanaged follow-up from the superb story of Saints Row IV. There’s a stellar musical number smack dab in the middle, but that’s really the biggest highlight (aside from the ending). The story ends almost immediately after gaining momentum, which doesn’t give you enough time to really associate with the characters.

all dex locations on saints row gat out of hell

Sadly, the story simply can’t deliver on the quantity. Gat Out of Hell follows in the same goofy footsteps as Saints Row: The Third and IV, with all of the same extremely well-written dialogue you’d expect. It’s up to Gat and Kinzie to team up with various residents of Hades and save the Saints’ leader.

all dex locations on saints row gat out of hell

Turns out that Satan wants his daughter Jezebel to marry The President, but as expected, Gat doesn’t want any of that. In an effort to get him back, Gat and Kinzie summon the spirit once again and travel to the Underworld to save The President. Things take a quick turn when they break out a Ouija board, summon an evil spirit, and have their boss (The President) dragged down to Hell. Gat Out of Hell begins with the Saints Row IV team celebrating aboard their spaceship. Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell is another ridiculous odyssey for the Saints, but even as an expansion pack, the shadow of Saints Row IV constantly hovers overhead. With the new standalone expansion, Gat Out of Hell, Deep Silver are giving the original icon Gat another round in the spotlight. Saints Row IV upped the ante further with superpowers, challenging the titans of the genre as a game that was about fun and energy, not drama or seriousness. An exercise in both genius and incoherence, Saints Row: The Third threw logic out the window and made one of the most enjoyably frivolous sandbox games in ages. It’s difficult to believe that Saints Row was once a blatant Grand Theft Auto clone.

All dex locations on saints row gat out of hell